Welcome to America, Henry!

Descended from a long line of scribbles, Henry has arrived from the UK in time to accept the role of “Everyman” — a stick figure for our times. Although not fully formed (some might even say “crudely drawn”), he, like the rest of us, scrawls through life in wonder and confusion. He is sagebrush blown down a lonesome highway, a cloned cartoon at the mercy of fickle Fate. Henry doesn’t have answers, he dropped out of Doodle U. and the side effects of Nietzschian philosophy and post-Hegelian dualism have taken their toll. How else to explain that Czechoslovakian pimple on the end of his nose. We try not to laugh at his flubs and flaws, his Hollywood dreams and Kafkaesque nightmares, but it’s impossible. And that’s a good reason to grab this book.

Drawings by Peter McAdam
Chapbook, illustrated,
88 pp., $12
ISBN 13: 978-1-7331656-5-5